Thursday, February 28, 2008

Native son Questions

1. In what ways does Wright portray Bigger’s day-to-day existence as a prison, even before his arrest and trial?

2. Describe the real estate practices that were applied to black families in Chicago’s South Side in the 1930s. With these practices in mind, why is Mr. Dalton—an avowed philanthropist toward blacks—a hypocrite?

3. Describe Jan and Mary’s attitude toward race relations. In what ways does their more subtle racism resemble the more overt prejudice of other whites?

4.How does Bigger’s desperate flight from the police symbolize his existence as a whole?

5. As Wright portrays it, how does the psychology of racial prejudice contribute to Bigger’s transformation into a murderer and a criminal?

6. Is Bigger’s trial a fair one? In Wright’s portrayal, how does racism affect the American judicial process? What role does the media play in determining popular conceptions of justice?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My NHD project was on Racial Riots in U.S.A. My partners were Vondell and kadeem. We choose to do documentary because we thought could cover all the history racial riots that we thought were very important the that people didn't know about. I thought overall the project was stressful and fun at times.